
26 July 2021

Four nights, four Stormies to Alderney

Over the years we've shared a few Storm Petrels with the Channel Islands and in total 19 Cornish-ringed birds have been recaught there and seven ringed on the islands have been recaught in Cornwall. In fact, just 56 BTO-ringed birds have ever been found on the Channel Islands, so Cornwall provides a fair proportion of these.

This week we received a rush of reports from Burhou, Alderney though, with four of our birds recaught there on consecutive days:

  • 15th July - bird originally ringed at Porthgwarra in June 2021
  • 16th July - bird ringed at Lizard in July 2012
  • 17th July - bird ringed at Lizard in June 2016
  • 18th July - bird ringed at Lizard in June 2019

Whilst some of these may be wandering non-breeding birds, it's interesting to see birds from 2012 and 2016 which are now breeding age birds. Presumably these are nesting on Burhou, which is in fact the only site that Storm Petrels breed on the islands.

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