
29 August 2016

Green 0T0

We've been finding it quite difficult to catch up with any significant numbers of Mediterranean Gulls at our regular sites (Men-aver beach and Gillan Creek), so colour-ring sightings have been few and far between. But yesterday we did catch up with Green 0T0 which is an occasional visitor to Portscatho and the Helford river.

Distance and poor light weren't conducive to a decent photo of 0T0

Ringed as a chick in Vendée, France in 2011 Green 0T0 was first seen in Cornwall in September 2011, then again in October 2012. By December 2012 it was down in Portugal, moving east to Spain in February 2013. It was then back in France before being seen in southern Portugal the next winter. Since then it's only been seen in France, before returning to Cornwall in August 2014 and now August 2016.

This is one of the wider-ranging of the birds we've seen in the county, so hopefully it will continue to wander!

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